11th ISRII Scientific Meeting

We are excited to announce ISRII 11 will take place from 19-21 September 2022 in Pittsburgh!
We expect to welcome over 500 attendees to Pittsburgh from across the world for three days of collaboration, innovation, and vibrant discussions that will help form a new vision of digital health for 2022 and beyond.
Abstracts will be invited on the conference topics for presentation as posters, papers, symposia, workshops, demonstrations, and panel discussions. Furthermore, authors can indicate their interest in contributing a 3-10 page manuscript for peer-review and publication in Elsevier’s on-line journal Procedia Computer Science at no additional charge or publication fee.
Please visit the conference website for more information.
Bruce L. Rollman, MD, MPH
Pittsburgh Program Chair, ISRII 2022
Director, Center for Behavioral Health and Smart Technology
University of Pittsburgh
Frances Kay-Lambkin, PhD
International Program Chair, ISRII 2022
Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
University of Newcastle, Australia
Pepijn van de Ven, PhD
International Program Chair, ISRII 2022
ISRII President
University of Limerick, Ireland