3rd Scientific Meeting – 2007

The 3rd ISRII Scientific Meeting was held at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, US, 11 – 12 October 2007. The conference was attended by over 50 members who came from 7 countries. The meeting consisted of two full days of oral presentations, posters, interactive sessions, and a panel on public health implications of Internet interventions. Almost all presentations put forward data not yet published, reporting on outcomes beyond primary findings. Meeting highlights included a dinner held at the Rotunda and attending the UVA homecoming football game on October 13. A summary of the meeting along with the final meeting program can be obtained by clicking the links to the right. The presentations from the meeting are available to members of ISRII.
Organizing Committee
Lee Ritterband, PhD ( University of Virginia , US ), Conference Chair
Gerhard Andersson, PhD ( Linköping University, Sweden )
Per Carlbring, PhD ( Linköping University, Sweden )
Helen Christensen, PhD (The Australian National University, Australia )
Pim Cuijpers, PhD (Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, the Netherlands )
Deborah Tate, PhD ( University of North Carolina, US )
Frances Thorndike, PhD ( University of Virginia, US )
Full and Student Members can view/download presentations from the 2007 meeting here.