Board of Directors 2022
Pepijn van de Ven, PhD
University of Limerick, Ireland
ISRII President
Terry Fleming, PhD
Victoria University of Wellington
ISRII President-Elect
Philip Chow, PhD
University of Virginia, US.
ISRII Treasurer
Sonja March, PhD
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
ISRII Secretary
Phil Batterham, PhD
The Australian National University, Canberra Australia
ISRII Director
Claudia Buntrock, PhD
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
ISRII Director
Petra Staiger, PhD
Deakin University, Australia
ISRII Director
Martin Kraepelien, PhD
Centre for Psychiatry Research, Stockholm Healthcare Services, Sweden
ISRII Director
Emily Lattie, PhD
Northwestern University, USA
ISRII Director
Louise Thornton, PhD
University of Sydney and The University of Newcastle, Australia
ISRII Director
Amit Baumel, PhD
University of Haifa, Israel
ISRII Director