2006 Presentations – Stockholm, Sweden
Sponsors and Welcome: ISRII 2006
ISRII 2006 Conference Summary (Presentation at Conclusion of Meeting)
Breast Cancer Patients and Oncologists’ Attitudes towards Internet Delivered Self-help
Andersson, Gerhard
Therapeutic Alliance and Internet Interventions: How Much are We Needed?
Andersson, Gerhard
Internet-based Treatment for Panic Disorder and its Implementation in Regular Care
Bergstrom, Jan
Internet Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Randomized Replication Trial
Buhrman, Monica
Interactive Session Online
Carlbring, Per & Klein, Britt
Internet-based Treatment for Pathological Gambling
Carlbring, Per
Online Randomised Controlled Trials: What Can They Tell Us
Christensen, Helen
Towards an Integrated System of Internet-based Self-help Modules for Common Mental Disorders
Cuijpers, Pim
Bibliotherapy versus Internet-based Self-help with Therapist Feedback in the Treatment of Social Phobia: A Randomized Controlled Study
Furmark, Tomas
CBT via Internet for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder
Ghaderia, Ata
ISRII 2006 Conference Summary (Presentation at Conclusion of Meeting)
Panic Online: Frequent versus Infrequent Therapist Contact – Does it Make a Difference? Preliminary Results (N = 32)
Klein, Britt
Internet-guided Self-help for Communities: Socioscientific Challenges
Marks, Isaac
Drinking Less, Do it Yourself! RCT on the (Cost) Effectiveness of a Web-based Self-help Intervention for Problem Drinkers
Riper, Heleen
Cost-Effectiveness of Drinking Less Online
Smit, Filip
Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-analysis
Spek, Viola
Web-based Measurement: Effect of Completing Single or Multiple Items Per Web Page
Thorndike, Frances
Methodological Issues
Vallejo, Miguel
Online Digital Assistance (ODA)
van der Gun, Eric
Self Examination Therapy: The Effectiveness of a Generic Web-based Self-help Intervention
van Straten, Annemieke
The KLARA-project
Vernmark, Kristofer