2006 Presentations – Stockholm, Sweden

Sponsors and Welcome: ISRII 2006

ISRII 2006 Conference Summary (Presentation at Conclusion of Meeting)

Breast Cancer Patients and Oncologists’ Attitudes towards Internet Delivered Self-help
Andersson, Gerhard

Therapeutic Alliance and Internet Interventions: How Much are We Needed?
Andersson, Gerhard

Internet-based Treatment for Panic Disorder and its Implementation in Regular Care
Bergstrom, Jan

Internet Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Randomized Replication Trial
Buhrman, Monica

Interactive Session Online
Carlbring, Per & Klein, Britt

Internet-based Treatment for Pathological Gambling
Carlbring, Per

Online Randomised Controlled Trials: What Can They Tell Us
Christensen, Helen

Towards an Integrated System of Internet-based Self-help Modules for Common Mental Disorders
Cuijpers, Pim

Bibliotherapy versus Internet-based Self-help with Therapist Feedback in the Treatment of Social Phobia: A Randomized Controlled Study
Furmark, Tomas

CBT via Internet for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder
Ghaderia, Ata

ISRII 2006 Conference Summary (Presentation at Conclusion of Meeting)

Who is Best Suited for Internet Treatment? Does Stages of Change Make a Difference? A Study of Internet Treatment, Bibliotherapy and Group Therapy for Tinnitus Distress
Kaldo, Viktor

Panic Online: Frequent versus Infrequent Therapist Contact – Does it Make a Difference? Preliminary Results (N = 32)
Klein, Britt

Internet-guided Self-help for Communities: Socioscientific Challenges
Marks, Isaac

Drinking Less, Do it Yourself! RCT on the (Cost) Effectiveness of a Web-based Self-help Intervention for Problem Drinkers
Riper, Heleen

Cost-Effectiveness of Drinking Less Online
Smit, Filip

Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-analysis
Spek, Viola

Web-based Measurement: Effect of Completing Single or Multiple Items Per Web Page
Thorndike, Frances

University Students with Social Phobia and Public Speaking Fears: A Randomized Trial of Internet Delivered Self-help with or without Live Group Exposure
Tillfors, Maria

Methodological Issues
Vallejo, Miguel

Online Digital Assistance (ODA)
van der Gun, Eric

Self Examination Therapy: The Effectiveness of a Generic Web-based Self-help Intervention
van Straten, Annemieke

The KLARA-project
Vernmark, Kristofer