2009 Presentations – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Master your mood (Gripopjedip): Online group course for adolescents with depressive complaints
van der Zanden, R.
‘Drinking Less? do-it-yourself!:’ Effectiveness of a television supported course
Kramer, J.
Can electronic feedback reduce student alcohol intake? A multi-site investigation of Unitcheck
Bewick, Bridgette
E-Health: An Organizational Perspective or: No Innovation without Cooperation
Meijnckens, Liesbeth
Reducing Suicidal Thoughts Effectiveness of a Web-Based Self-Help Intervention: A RCT.
Spijker, Bregje
Donovan, Caroline
Self-help therapy for insomnia: a meta-analysis
van Straten, Annemieke
Self-Help and Psychoeducational Online Resources
Grohol, John
Developing complex internet interventions to change behaviour: using think aloud studies for theoretical modelling
Yardley, Lucy
SMS-feedback helps to support therapy of aversive tension states and tinnitus
Mussgay, L.
mobile monitoring and coaching
Sorbi, Marjolijn
E-therapy for adults with depressive symptoms: IPT vs. CBT
Donker, Tara
E mental health in primary care
Boerema, Ina
Interactive psychological analysis methods within a web-based intervention for wellbeing management
Kaipainen, Kirsikka
Dunov: iPod coach for people with autism
Timmer, Leo
The Therapeutic Value of Blogging by Adolescents Suffering From Social Difficulties
Boniel-Nissim, Meyran
Online support for young people with a family member affected by mental illness
Drost, Louisa
Mastery over dementia: Online counselling for family caregivers of people with dementia
Pot, Anne
Internet based treatment of eating disorders, looking back and looking forward
Lam, Tony
Online forum for problem drinkers
Westendorp, Heleen
Online survey about alcohol and other drug websites
Klein, Britt
Developing a theory based internet intervention for persistent and relapsing depression
Linke, Stuart
Realist literature review of cCBT for prevention and early intervention in anxiety and depression
McKeown, Amy
Disease burden, preventive cognitive therapy & development of an online intervention
van der Kamp, Lillian
The Shyness Program Internet-Based Treatment for Social Phobia
Titov, Nickolai
Roles of Web, mobile and monitoring technologies in personalized management of psychophysiological wellbeing
Mattila, Elina
How do women with depressive symptoms use an on-line self-help program?
Lara, Asunción
Web-guided self help in South African communities who have little access to mental health services
Hof, Edith
Empowering the impaired through Internet, Computer/ICT
Sanyal, Ishita
Coping with parental cancer
van der Linden, Mecheline
Treatment of depression via interactive media: A program for NASA
Cartreine, James
Who becomes depressed? A longitudinal web-based study on risk factors for depression
Jacobs, Nele
AfterTheInjury.org: Evaluating impact on parent knowledge and coping assistance
Kassam-Adams, Nancy
Preventing Mental Health Problems in Youth: The YouthMood Project
Calear, Alison
Defense Against the Dark Side:Confronting Deception and Disruption in Online Groups
Pector, Elizabeth
Promoting positive parenting: Using the web and media-based approaches to increase access the population level
Calam, Rachel
Post-RCT implementation of FearFighter‚Ñ¢ in Primary Care Trusts across England
Palmili, Luca
Empowerment of personal injury victims
Elbers, Nieke
Economic evaluation of unsupported computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for depression
Gerhards, Sylvia
Use and costs of an on-line intervention for alcohol: DYD-RCT
Murray, Elizabeth
Mental health@work
Rebergen, David
Strong at work: A preventive e-mental health stress intervention for mental health workers
Bool, Martijn
FaPMI: Online Introduction to online care for children and their parents of Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness
Speetjens, Paula
Prevention of depression and anxietyin adolescents
Hoek, W.
MoodGYM & e-couch –The framework behind them
Bennett, Anthony
Kessler, David
Tailored cognitive behavior E-health therapy for chronic somatic conditions
Evers, Andrea
Pilot study: Online selfhelp treatment of depression in MS (multiple sclerosis)
Nieuwenhuis, Lenka
Online health coaching: Can EMH prevent employees from getting ill? What interventions are effective?
Willems, Mark
Webzorg: an unique offer within E-mental Health
Bosma, Meine
The VirtualClinic: Results of 16 Australian clinical trials, lessons learned, and future plans
Andrews, Gavin
Trauma TIPS: A brief web-based early intervention to prevent PTSD in injured trauma patients: Preliminary results
Mouthaan, Joanne
Computer-assisted interviewing to facilitate communication with children: In My Shoes
Calam, Rachel
JellinekLive: Outcome of internet based self-help for problematic cannabis users
Blankers, Matthijs
‘What Do You Want With Weed?’ Evidence-based cannabis self-help website for adolescents
ter Huurne, E.
Working with teenagers: Denial and Terror or Trial and Error
Müller, M.
Cost-effectiveness of internet-based vs. group treatment in subthreshold depression
Spek, Viola
The StopSite: A web-assisted self-help intervention for smoking cessation
Van Emst, A.
A randomized trial comparing two Internet-based smoking cessation programs
Etter, Jean-François
Ambulatory Assessment of Subjective State with Mobile Phone Short Message Service
Wölk, Christoph